Epoke Computer Assisted Spreading The Epoke Computer Assisted Spreading system consists of a number of software solutions that can be used separately, each meeting specific requirements.The system is robust and integrated, ensuring the best spreading quality and minimal effort from the driver. Each individual element was developed by Epoke’s own software and electronic specialists, working in collaboration with customers in several countries.The individual elements were tested while the ma- chines operated under very different conditions and were closely monitored by Epoke staff throughout the entire testing phase. In a similar vein, production takes place at the factory in Vejen, which means Epoke has a complete overview of all of the development and production process details. Perfect spreading and ensuring the driver has optimal focus on the road are two requirements that are difficult to combine. This was why Epoke Computer Assisted Spreading was developed – to ensure at all times faultless spreading and the best working conditions for the driver, who can concentrate on the road and nothing else. Precise dosing and delivery of only the necessary amount of spreading material benefits the environ- ment and saves money. Using Epoke Computer Assisted Spreading, all of the spreading operations are monitored and doc- umented and the data can be used, for example, as documentation, for statistical purposes and for ongoing optimisation of the work. EpoMaster X2 The innovative remote control from Epoke’s software engineers is packed with user-fri- endly technology and built-in navigation. EpoMaster X2 is not only a remote control for spreading, but the core of the complete system of Epoke Computer Assisted Spreading. EpoMaster X2 has many settings and opens up a number of possibilities in the form of advanced software solutions. Epoke’s advanced remote control was developed in collaboration with users. EpoMaster X1 is the basis of Epoke Computer Assisted Spreading. Several of the sys- tem’s functions are controlled from the 7” display, which has a user-friendly layout, simple pictographs and pleasant touch buttons.
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